This site is dedicated to the safety and health of our children. We, as parents, grandparents and caregivers must address issues such as proper nutrition, prevention of alcohol and drug abuse, the dangers of smoking, and the curtailment of HIV.
All future generations are affected by what we do TODAY to Save Our Children
Published on October 1, 2005 By Sid_Gibson In Parenting

"My name is Sid and I am an Alcoholic"

I have said this thousands of times over my 26-year recovery period. My daughter and her husband have uttered the same words for 10 and 15 years, respectively. I don't want my pre-school grandchildren to ever say those words!

Substitute the following words for "Alcoholic" and we have the same predicament: "Drug Addict", "Prescription Drug Abuser", "Substance Abuser", "Food Addict", "Inhalant Abuser"--these and other "Tags" are said everyday at AA and NA meetings.

I believe that parents need to be informed parents, empowered to guide their children on a path to wellness, including proper nutrition, the dangers of smoking, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, unsafe sex and the spread of HIV/AIDS. You wouldn't be reading this if you were not a concerned parent or citizen.

All future generations are affected by what we do TODAY to Save Our Children.

I retired from a 35-year career in business management and decided to become a student again and received a Certificate in Alcohol and Drug Abuse Counseling in 2003. After following press reports concerning an epidemic-like spread of dangerous use of substances by our youth, I decided to dedicate much of my time to research numerous resources like "The Partnership for a Drug-Free America", and document my findings in a blogsite to serve as a clearinghouse of resources for concerned parents. This site is dedicated to my two pre-school grandchildren.

I present my "Mission Statement" for further clarification of my work, now totaling 98 posts and 700 hours of research:

To provide parents and child caregivers the immediate resources and information that will provide them with the first line of defense to educate and guide our children in the protection and preventative measures needed as a base to face the "real world" of the dangers of smoking, alcohol and drug abuse, underage/binge drinking, proper nutrition, unsafe sexual activity and the spread of HIV/AIDS. The bottom line: EDUCATION BEGINS AT HOME.

Parental responsibility to educate our children is essential to provide a safe environment for our youth. The preventative measures cited on this blogsite are intended to serve as a source to empower informed parents to influence local and district school administrators, local and state legislators, and federal legislators. I don't believe that we should leave decision and policy making only in the hands of our beaurocrats.

WE THE PEOPLE have the power to effect change if we join together and make our voices heard--WE can do that, but it requires a commitment to stay abreast of current public policy and newly proposed legislative actions.

I serve only as a source of information, with editorial commentary (rebuttal is encouraged), to help make parents informed parents and vocal advocates to SAVE OUR CHILDREN.

For those of you who support my efforts, let this be OUR motto:

"Never underestimate the power of a small group of committed people to change the world. In fact, it's the only thing that ever has." (Margaret Meade)

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